随着飞秒激光、优质三焦点晶体等技术的进步,以及人们对整体良好视力的需求更高,屈光晶体置换术(RLE) 越来越受欢迎,它可解决许多40岁以后人士所面对的视力问题,效果持久。
次性解决您的近视/远视 + 老花 + 散光问题
效果持久的解决方案 – 无需担心老花度数增加!
Established since 1999, we’ve been serving and tending to our patients’ eyes for over 2 decades.
We have cared for over 255,000 patients and helped improve their vision since opening our doors to people looking for reliable eye care
Over 2,400 happy patients have given us a 5 Stars (out of 5) rating and touching reviews on Facebook.
As a recognition for our pursuit of excellence in patient care, service, innovativeness, business management, human resource, and CSR, VISTA has won numerous awards, making us one of the most awarded eye specialist.
We only offer FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration) approved treatments and technologies. Most importantly, what we offer will only be something that we would use for ourselves and our loved ones.
VISTA is often visited by renowned surgeons worldwide, all the way from US, Australia, Japan, China, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc as well as be selected by leading medical technology providers to showcase their products.
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